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 An A Cappella Barbershop Chorus 

We have been entertaining Southern California audiences
for decades with our unique style and barbershop harmony.

This is a great time for all who love to sing harmonies,
no matter what! Come have some fun and
learn wonderful a cappella music.

We rehearse every Monday night.
Warm-ups and skill building begin at 7:00 pm.
Men and women who enjoy singing are invited to attend.

Our location:
Grace Lutheran Church Social Hall 2nd Floor
4427 Overland Avenue
Culver City, CA  90230

On the west side of Overland between
Franklin Ave and Farragut Drive
(For Directions)

The Santa Monica Oceanaires are a 501.C3 Charitable Organization, an official chapter of The Barbershop Harmony Society -
The Society for the Preservation Encouragement of Barbershop Quartet Singing In America